
  本文列举了一些国际著名的反垃圾邮件组织,它们 追踪互联网上的垃圾邮件发放者、垃圾邮件集团以及垃圾邮件提供商,提供实时的、抵制垃圾邮件的服务,从而保护网络安全,同时也在立法方面做着不懈的努力,在全世界范围中指认并追踪垃圾邮件。

  • Spamhaus


  • MAPS


  • CAUCE (Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email)


  • APCAUCE (The Asia Pacific Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email)


  • Spamcop

   SpamCop is the premier service for reporting spam. SpamCop determines the origin of unwanted email and reports it to the relevant Internet service providers. By reporting spam, you have a positive impact on the problem. Reporting unsolicited email also helps feed spam filtering systems, including, but not limited to, SpamCop's own service.


  • Njabl

  NJABL.ORG is Not Just Another Bogus List. This effort began out of frustration with the amount of spam coming into our networks and with the lack of options for an existing dnsbl with policies and stability we could live with. NJABL.ORG maintains a list of known and potential spam sources (open relays, open proxies, open form to mail HTTP gateways, dynamic IP pools, and direct spammers) for the purpose of being able to tag or refuse email and prevent at least some spam. We do not block email . We just provide a tool for network/system/mail administrators to use to protect their mail servers from email abuse. Our goal is to provide a stable and effective dnsbl with clearly stated and strictly adhered to criteria for listing.



  答:别名记录允许您将多个名字映射到同一台计算机。 通常用于同时提供www和mail服务的计算机。例如,有一台计算机名为“host.mydomain.com” (A记录)。它同时提供WWW和MAIL服务,为了便于用户访问服务。可以为该计算机设置两个别名(CNAME):www和mail。这两个别名的全称就是 “www.mydomain.com”和 “mail.mydomain.com” 。实际上他们都指向 “host.mydomain.com”。


  答:MX(Mail Exchanger)记录是邮件交换记录,它指向一个邮件服务器,用于电子邮件系统发邮件时根据 收信人的地址后缀来定位邮件服务器。例如,当Internet上的某用户要发一封信给user@mydomain.com时,该用户的邮件系统通过DNS查找mydomain.com这个域名的MX记录,如果MX记录存在,用户计算机就将邮件发送到MX记录所指定的邮件服务器上。

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